Thursday 31 December 2015

The Atimoh Odili Foundation Reaches Out To IDPs In New Kuchingoro, Abuja.

The 19th of December 2015 will forever be rembered as an epochal moment for residents of the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) camp in New Kuchingoro, a suburb in Abuja. The Atimoh Odili Foundation (AOF), as part of its philanthropic gestures donated gift items and relief materials to the residents of this camp made up of mostly women and children ravaged by the scourge of war in the North East.

The Founder of AOF, Dr. Atimoh Odili, is a man who understands the hardship faced by all under privileged people and for many years has devoted his resources to fighting the war against poverty. For those at the camp, numbering about 936, including women and children, it was quite a moving experience when they witnessed the arrival of loads of relief materials comprising of mattresses, blankets, bags of rice, milk, tomatoes and salt, all worth over N20 million.

Tagged #TouchingLivesAtKuchingoro, its aim, among others, is to offer urgent relief to Camp residents and in the future explore opportunities for meaningful re-integration into the larger society.

 “We generally take up projects that have the ability of directly improving people's standard of living. Our mission is to eradicate poverty in Nigeria. For the IDPS, once we are able to address the fundamental problem of hunger, we can help them grow and become reintegrated into the society,” said Miss Chioma Nwigwe, Managing Director AOF.

written by Dr. Edwin Ndukwe

Sen. President, Saraki: 'Not In My Time Will Senate Spend N47b On Cars'.

Senate President Bukola Saraki has denied allegations that the senate is planning to spend N47 billion for car purchase. President Buhari during his media chat yesterday alleged that the senate was planning to spend the said money on cars but said he won't allow it.

PMB : Gives His New Year Message To Nigerians.

Read below...

Welcome to the beginning of a New Year of the continuation of CHANGE in our beloved nation. I am aware that Nigerians have experienced a number of significant hardships over the past months. Living in the State House has not alienated me from your daily sufferings. I am aware of the lengthy queues at fuel stations and of the difficulties businesses have faced in acquiring foreign exchange.

These challenges are only temporary; we are working to make things better. When I presented myself to you as a presidential candidate and asked you to vote for me, I wanted to be a leader who keeps his promises. I wanted to be a leader who restores the people's hope in those elected to serve them. I wanted to be a leader who initiates positive and enduring CHANGE.

I am still totally committed to being that kind of leader. Unforeseen circumstances and other distractions notwithstanding, I shall still do my utmost best to keep every promise I made to Nigerians during my election campaign. In the past seven months since our inauguration on May 29, 2015, my administration has focused on laying the right foundation for the CHANGE you voted for during our historic presidential election. Nigerians will in due course begin to enjoy the fruits of all our ongoing work.

The effective and efficient implementation of our 2016 budget proposals will address many of the socio-economic issues that are of current concern to our people. One area in which Nigerians, especially those in the northeast, have already begun to experience major CHANGE is in the war on terror. I commend our Armed Forces for significantly curtailing the insurgency which has ravaged the northeast of Nigeria over the past few years.

However, there is still a lot of work to be done in the area of security. Our Armed Forces will maintain, consolidate and build on their successes in the war against Boko Haram and violent extremism. This government will not consider the matter concluded until the terrorists have been completely routed and normalcy restored to all parts of the country that have been adversely affected by the Boko Haram insurgency.

Our crackdown on corruption will continue to be vigorously undertaken. I urge the courts to support our efforts and help in the recovery of stolen funds by speedily concluding trials and showing that impunity no longer has a place in our country.

There is much work to do in other areas as well and I have charged all my ministers and other appointees to ensure that Nigerians experience positive changes in their lives in 2016. We must reduce our country's reliance on oil. We must diversify our economy.

And we must do all we can to promote job creation. Our challenges are many but our determination to succeed is strong and unshaken. So too is our confidence in God. I wish you all a very

Happy New Year.

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Search for POWr

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Click SAVE ARRANGEMENT, and then clickVIEW BLOG to see the plugin on your live blog.




View Blog to edit POWr Contact Form

Click View Blog to go to your live, published Blogger site. 
Find the new Contact Form Widget. You will be able to see a blinking Edit Me sign, pointing to a Settings Icon . 
Click the Settings Icon to open the POWr Editor and begin editing your Contact Form Widget. 
Remember to click Save when finished.

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Insane Policeman Shoots 3 Nollywood Actors In Nnewi, Anambra State.

The hustling town of Nnewi in Anambra State has been hit with another tragedy less than 4 days after a gas plant explosion killed over 100 people.

On Saturday the 27th of December 2015, a policeman ran mad and shot three Nollywood actors during the traditional ceremony of Danduko group of companies boss at Uruagu-Nnewi in Anambra.

According to an eyewitness who identified himself as Ifeanyi, the couple were dancing and getting sprayed with Naira and dollar notes around 6:30pm when an out of control cop shot 3 of the wedding guests.

A guest ran inside to inform the celebrants of the tragedy that had just happened outside, leading to the abrupt end of the ceremony.

It was later discovered that the policeman had actually shot 3 Nollywood actors who came to the occasion dead.

The bodies of the victims were later taken to the Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital in Nnewi.

The identities of 2 of the victims have not been disclosed.

One of the victims, a budding actor identified as Charles Okocha was rushed to the ER ward of the hospital. 2 bullets have been removed from his body but his condition is still unknown.

While others argued he has died, his close friend singer Kelly Hansome told fans he heard that he is still responding to treatment. He promises to update us on his condition soon.

Stay in touch for update on this developing story.


Mercy Johnson's Nude Photo That Got People Talking.

Waridis oh! Is that armpit hair I see? Why are this producers not detailed with their artist? Nigeria with their pack and go productions sef…Do you see anything wrong with the below photo?


Simple Ways Of Inserting Privacy Policy, About Us, And Contact Us At The Footer Of Your Blog/Website.

Inserting your Privacy policy, About Us, and Contact Us at the footer of your blog is one of the important things to do if a blogger intends to get approval for adsense these days. Who knows if this could just be the simple reason why your adsense application was rejected. You have to do the following: 

1. Please always back up your template before tampering with your blog's template.
2. For most blogs, the Attribution gadget (Powered by Blogger) is the last item you see when you scroll to the end of the blog. If you go to LAYOUT, you also discover that you cannot add any other gadget to space where the attribution gadget is located.
3. We will edit the Attribution gadget in such a way that it will allow us put another gadget that will house our Privacy policy, About Us, and Contact Us.
4. If you are signed into your blog, click TEMPLATE, then EDIT HTML ( I hope by now you have backed up your template).
5. In the Templates, click any where inside the HTML box shown, "Hold ctrl then press F" to bring up the find dialogue box. Type Attribution1 in the small box that came out when you did Control F and hit ENTER. It will now show you something like the code below:

 <!-- outside of the include in order to lock Attribution widget -->
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You are to change the "no" highlighted in Green to yes and the locked='true' to locked='false'  your final code should look like this:
<b:section class='foot' id='footer-3' showaddelement='yes'>
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This will remove the restriction that allows only Attribution widget to be at the footer of your template. SAVE your template then go to blogger dashboard =>>Layout to see "Add a Gadget" on top of Attribution. (Hurray !!!)

You now have to put your Privacy policy, About Me and Contact Me in the box.
1. Copy out the links to the Privacy, About Me and Contact Me pages on your blog. As for me it was

Go to google shortener and shorten the links by typing each of the links in the box and clicking "shorten URL". You can then copy the shortened URL. The shortened codes will have to be inserted into a script. See example below:

<a href="">Privacy Policy</a>

<a href="">About Me</a>

<a href="">Contact Me</a>

The code highlighted in GREEN is the shortened URL for my your Privacy policy, About Me and Contact Me. So change only the highlighted code in green to what you copied from google shortner. 
The Code in RED can be changed to anything you like. For example, If you exchange "About Me" with "Football"; Football will appear at the foot of your blog.

Go to Blogger dashboard and click on LAYOUT. Scroll down to ATTRIBUTION, you will see ADD A GADGET on top of Attribution. 
Click on "Add a Gadget" and choose "HTML/JavaScript". Copy the new codes and paste it in the HTML/JavaScript box and SAVE.

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Simple Ways Of Inserting Privacy Policy, About Us, And Contact Us At The Footer Of Your Blog/Website.

Inserting your Privacy policy, About Us, and Contact Us at the footer of your blog is one of the important things to do if a blogger intends to get approval for adsense these days. Who knows if this could just be the simple reason why your adsense application was rejected. You have to do the following: 

1. Please always back up your template before tampering with your blog's template.
2. For most blogs, the Attribution gadget (Powered by Blogger) is the last item you see when you scroll to the end of the blog. If you go to LAYOUT, you also discover that you cannot add any other gadget to space where the attribution gadget is located.
3. We will edit the Attribution gadget in such a way that it will allow us put another gadget that will house our Privacy policy, About Us, and Contact Us.
4. If you are signed into your blog, click TEMPLATE, then EDIT HTML ( I hope by now you have backed up your template).
5. In the Templates, click any where inside the HTML box shown, "Hold ctrl then press F" to bring up the find dialogue box. Type Attribution1 in the small box that came out when you did Control F and hit ENTER. It will now show you something like the code below:

 <!-- outside of the include in order to lock Attribution widget -->
      <b:section class='foot' id='footer-3' showaddelement='no'>
        <b:widget id='Attribution1' locked='true' title='' type='Attribution'>
          <b:includable id='main'>

You are to change the "no" highlighted in Green to yes and the locked='true' to locked='false'  your final code should look like this:
<b:section class='foot' id='footer-3' showaddelement='yes'>
        <b:widget id='Attribution1' locked='false' title='' type='Attribution'>

This will remove the restriction that allows only Attribution widget to be at the footer of your template. SAVE your template then go to blogger dashboard =>>Layout to see "Add a Gadget" on top of Attribution. (Hurray !!!)

You now have to put your Privacy policy, About Me and Contact Me in the box.
1. Copy out the links to the Privacy, About Me and Contact Me pages on your blog. As for me it was

Go to google shortener and shorten the links by typing each of the links in the box and clicking "shorten URL". You can then copy the shortened URL. The shortened codes will have to be inserted into a script. See example below:

<a href="">Privacy Policy</a>

<a href="">About Me</a>

<a href="">Contact Me</a>

The code highlighted in GREEN is the shortened URL for my your Privacy policy, About Me and Contact Me. So change only the highlighted code in green to what you copied from google shortner. 
The Code in RED can be changed to anything you like. For example, If you exchange "About Me" with "Football"; Football will appear at the foot of your blog.

Go to Blogger dashboard and click on LAYOUT. Scroll down to ATTRIBUTION, you will see ADD A GADGET on top of Attribution. 
Click on "Add a Gadget" and choose "HTML/JavaScript". Copy the new codes and paste it in the HTML/JavaScript box and SAVE.

Please Comment below...

Download PES 2012 Files On Your Android Phone With Ease.

Many people have been complaining about not been able to download PES 2012 files on their Android phones. I have written a small tutorial on how to download the files using your Android phone. Follow the steps below:

1. Go to the browser that came with the phone. 
2. Click OPTIONS (It is usually the last key by your left)
3. Click MORE. 
4. Scroll down to SETTINGS and click on it. 
5. Then Scroll down to UAString and click on it. You will see DESKTOP, click on DESKTOP. Click back and type in the address bar to test. You will see the page come up as if you are on a computer.

You can then download the PES 2012 files for installation by clicking  HERE.

2.  Install Dolphin browser Mini from google play store
i.   Click on the Dolphin Browser to start the app.
ii.  Click on OPTIONS (It is usually the last key by your left.)
iii. Click on TOOLBOX
iv. Click on User Agent. You will see a green dot on ANDROID (DEFAULT)
v.  Click on DESKTOP so that the green dot will move from Android (default) to Desktop. 
vi. Click on OK.

You can now type to test if it is working. You will see the blog exactly as you will see it if you use a Computer or Laptop to browse. 

Use these techniques to download andInstall PES2012 foolball files.  

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Breaking News: A-Court Reverses Nullification Of Gov. Ishaku Of Taraba State Election.

The Court of Appeal sitting in Abuja has reversed the judgement of the Taraba State Governorship Election Petition Tribunal which sacked governor Darius Ishaku of the People Democratic Party, PDP. In a unanimous judgment this afternoon, the appellate court panel headed by Justice Justice Abdul Aboky, held that the tribunal acted outside its jurisdiction when it invalidated Ishaku’s election on the premise that he was not validly nominated by the PDP.

The appellate court maintained that the issue of nomination of a candidate by a political party “is clearly apre-election matter which no tribunal has the jurisdiction to entertain”. It stressed that neither the All Progressives Congress, APC, nor its candidate, Senator Aisha Jumai Alhassan, had the locus-standi to query the outcome of the governorship primary election of the PDP.

“There is no dispute whatsoever in this case that the 1st and 2nd respondents have not said that the appellant is not a member of a political party. From the pleadings andfacts, it is obvious that the appellant is a member of the PDP”.‎ The court held that under section 87(9) of the Electoral Act, only those that participated in the said PDPprimary election has the right to challenge its outcome at the Federal High Court or State High Court.

“The right to complain is severely limited to participants in the primary election. Whether the primary election was done rightly or wrongly cannot be subject of an election petition.

“The most important question to be asked here is, was the appellant a member of a political party or sponsored by a party to participate at the election?

“All evidence before the tribunal pointed to the fact that the appellant was duly sponsored by the PDP and INEC duly received his nomination. INEC did not at any time queried his eligibility to participate in the election.

“Both oral and documentary evidence before the tribunal clearlyshowed that the appellate was a member of the PDP and was validly sponsored.

“I hold that the 1st and 2nd respondents have no right to challenge the primary election at which the appellant emerged as none of them is a member of the PDP.

“Nomination of a candidate to participate in an election isthe sole responsibility of a political party. Issue of nomination of candidate is within the domestic affair of apolitical party”, the court added.‎Besides, the court held that the tribunal “grossly misdirected itself”, when it not only nullified governor Ishaku’s election, but went ahead to declare the candidate of the APC, Alhassan, winner.

“There is no basis for the finding of the lower tribunal‎”, Justice Aboky held, saying the tribunal had no power whatsoever to declare a person that came second at an election as the winner.It said the best the tribunal could have done under section 142 of the constitution was to order for a fresh poll. “The judgement of the lower tribunal ‎is hereby set aside. We are of the view that the appellant’s appeal is meritorious and is hereby allowed.

“I hereby make the following consequential orders. The order of the tribunal made on November 7 is hereby set-aside. The election and return of the appellant in theApril 11 election is hereby upheld.

“The Certificate of Return ‎issued to the appellant by the 4th respondent in this matter remains valid. I make no order as to cost”, the court held.

It will be recalled that theJustice Musa Danladi Abubakar led Tribunal had on November 7, declared Senator Alhassan‎ of the ‎APC as the bona-fide winner of the April 11 governorship poll in the state.The three-man panel tribunal which conducted its sitting in Abuja, said it was satisfied that governor Ishaku was not validly nominated by the PDP to contest the election.

The tribunal said there was overwhelming evidence that the PDP in Taraba State, sidelined the provisions of the Electoral Act 2010, and the 1999‎ constitution, as amended, when it decided to hold the primaries that produced Ishaku as its candidate in Abuja instead of Jaligo the Taraba State capital.

It held that the purported nomination of Ishaku for the election, without a valid primary election monitored by INEC, was in breach of sections 85, 87 and 138(1) of the Electoral Act, 2010, as well as section 177 of the 1999 constitution, as amended.

The tribunal stressed that the governorship primary election PDP held at its National Headquarters in Abuja on December 11, 2014, was not known to the law and was therefore invalidIt held that PDP failed to give cogent and verifiable reasonwhy it decided to hold the said primary election in Abuja without the consent of  INEC.

Meantime, judgement is still ongoing in three other appeals that were lodged against the decision of the tribunal. Whereas two of the pending appeals were filed by the PDP and INEC, Senator Alhassan who had since been appointed as a Minister by President Muhammadu Buhari, equally filed a cross-appeal‎.

Court Sentences Shi'ite To Death, Jails 22 For Forming Terrorist Group.

A Bahraini court sentenced a Shiite citizen to death and jailed 22 others for life Thursday for forming a “terrorist group” that killed two people, including a policeman. This is the second such ruling this week in the tiny Sunni-ruled Gulf kingdom, where members of the Shiite majority population have led an uprising.

The court also revoked the citizenships of the 23 convictsand fined two of them 200,000 dinars ($530,000/480,000euros), terror crime prosecution chief Ahmed al-Hammadi said in a statement. Judicial sources said that all the defendants were Shiite and that 16 were tried in absentia, without giving further details.

Hammadi said members of the group were convicted of carrying out bombings in two Shiite villages last December. One of the bombings, in Damistan village, killed a Jordanian policeman working in Bahrain under a security and training exchange agreement.

The other one in the nearby village of Karzakan, killing an elderly Bahraini man. Both bombings were carried out by the same “terrorist group” formed by the defendants and “specialised in making explosives to target policemen,” Hammadi said.  Meanwhile, an appeals court upheld the death sentence Thursday against a Shiite convicted of forming and leading a similar “terrorist group” that killed apoliceman in a bombing in the Shiite village of Aker last year, Hammadi said.

The court also confirmed stiff jail sentences handed down in April to 11 other members of the group.  Seven ofthem have been sentenced to life, and four others to 10 years, said Hammadi in a statement. The appeals court also approved revoking the citizenship of all the defendants convicted of attempting to kill three other policemen.

On Tuesday, Bahrain handed down sentences ranging from five years to life in prison to 29 people for the attempted murder of a policemen in a bombing later in December 2014. Attacks against police are common in Bahrain, a Western ally and home to the US Navy’s Fifth Fleet, across the Gulf from Iran.

The kingdom has been rocked by the Shiite-led uprising since February 2011, with demands ranging from a constitutional monarchy to overthrowing the ruling Sunnidynasty altogether. Scores of opponents have been detained, with many facing trial, while others convicted of involvement in violence have been handed heavy sentences, including loss of citizenship and life in prison.

#4 Secrets To Lasting Longer In Bed With Your Partner.

Here are the secrets to lasting longer in bed! Most men fall short when it comes to satisfying their women. If you take time to explore these positions, you will not only last longer but also give her unending satisfaction.

lovely lovers

David Strovny has revealed the most interesting part of a relationship everyone is talking about. Before you dive head-first into the positions to help you last longer, keep in mind that what might work for some may not work for others. The whole point of it is trial and error, along with positive thinking.

Last-longer position 1: Missionary position 

Perhaps it is not the most explosive of s*xual positions and, hey, it may not even merit the "Best Position in the Bedroom" award. This position, nonetheless, is most helpful for men who want to prolong coitus.

Speaking of coitus, you can try practicing coitus interruptus, which entails deliberately withdrawing your friendly fella from her vagina prior to ejaculation and holding it. Soon afterward, you may insert your buddy back in and continue on your merry way.

Remember that the instant she lifts her legs in the air or you lift your own body, you may end up feeling more intense sensations. We, therefore, recommend that you begin with body-to-body missionary and slowly work your way up with variety.

Last-longer position 2: Face me (sitting inside each other position)

Another great position that'll help most men last longer in the sack is the "sitting inside each other" position. You sit with your legs crossed and she sits atop you doing the same and controlling the tempo.

The great thing about this position is that you get to rub her back or pull her by the shoulders and suck on her breasts with ease. As well, she can bite into your neck or rub your back while you both enjoy a constant sexual pace.


When you become accustomed to this situation and learn adequate penis control, then you can give her some new instructions and get her to squat up and down on your member while she puts her hands on your knees for balance.

Last-longer position 3: Ride 'em cowgirl

Although some guys lose control, considering they don't have any power when the woman on top does all the manoeuvring, many men find a woman's back-and-forth thrusting (rather than up and down) very comfortable.

Allowing her to take control of the situation can help you concentrate on keeping your orgasm at bay. As well, you get to watch your sweetheart bounce around while she does her thing.

Once the thrusting thing becomes child's play for you, you can try letting her squat. But be warned: The squatting position is likely to make you lose your mind (and your semen) a lot faster. That's because her vagina tends to hug your penis rather tightly, and your genitals and hers are the only two body parts that are touching.

Last-longer position 4: Front-to-back (Spooning)

This position should usually be reserved for morning s*x. With her back facing you, lift up one of her legs and insert yourself inside her warm fleshy area.

Although the initial feeling may be that of tightness, if you brace yourself, the feeling will become more comforting. Many guys are able to control themselves and last longer in this position.

last longer with these positions

Move slowly and don't rush things. Getting overly excited won't do you any good so just keep things calm and at an unhurried, steady tempo. She'll be impressed with your ability to control yourself.

Obviously, these positions won't work wonders for everyone, but they will definitely feel great for many. Remember, if you have a problem, see your doctor promptly and don't play the game of denial. And there you have it, some easy ways to keep her satisfied and get a little satisfaction of your own at the same time.


Amazing: Asia Welcomes Year 2016.

Following the variations in global time zone, some countries have welcomed year 2016 while others are still expecting.

Samoa and Kiribati were the first countries to usher in 2016 followed by New Zealand which put up an impressive fireworks display, reported to be the biggest in the city’s history.

Nigeria and some other African countries will welcome year 2016 at exactly 12:00 midnight.

Kris Jenner's Only Son, Rob Kardashian Diagnosed With Diabetes At Los Angeles Area Hospital.

Kris Jenner's only son, Rob Kardashian was rushed to a Los Angeles-area hospital over the weekend when he began feeling ill and his condition worsened.
After a series of tests were conducted, doctors told Rob that he suffered from diabetes, which was news to him, according to TMZ.

The incident is said to be a "wake up call" to Rob that he needs to get healthy.

"He's home already. He went for a little and is fine now. It was a wake up call," A source told E! News.

The insider said that Rob's tests revealed his blood sugar levels were very high, and doctors told him that he needs to lose weight, exercise and dramatically change his diet, or it will get worse.

CBN: Foreign Reserves Drops To $29.13b In 2015.

Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) on Friday said that the nation’s foreign exchange reserves declined to 29.13 billion dollars as at Dec. 29.

The bank said on its Website that the drop represented 2.43 per cent from 29.31 billion dollars recorded as at Dec.23

The foreign reserves have been dropping since July 1, 2015.The nation’s external reserves stood at 34.49 billion dollars as at Jan 5, 2015 from the 34.47 billion dollars recorded in Dec. 31, 2014.

But shortages of US Dollar has forced Nigeria’s external reserves into a massive decline hitting a new low of 29.73billion dollar as at Dec. 11, while the value of the Naira declined in the unofficial foreign exchange market.

The central bank had spent around five billion dollars between January and July defending the Naira, which was hit by the 2014 plunge in oil prices.

The CBN in November said it was able to save 300 milliondollars as at August from Bureau De Change (BDC), through its provision that request for forex must be accompanied by the BVN of the customers.

Osinbajo: FG Will Create Over 1 Million Jobs In 2016.

The Federal Government will create no fewer than one million direct jobs in 2016, the Vice President, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo, has said A statement issued by Laolu Akande, his Senior Special Assistant (SSA) on Media and Publicity, quoted Osinbajo as saying that another one million poor Nigerians would benefit from the first phase of the Conditional Cash Transfer Scheme.

The statement, released to newsmen on Thursday in Abuja, said that theVP made the remark during an interactive session with a cross section of Nigerian Community in Burkina Faso. Osinbajo was Burkina Faso to represent President Muhammadu Buhari at the inauguration of the newly elected president of that country Roch Marc Christian Kabore.

He said that President Muhammadu Buhari had announced job opportunities for 500,000 graduate-youths to be engaged as teachers.

He added that an estimated 500,000 non-graduate unemployed people would be trained as artisans. The Vice President explained that the Conditional Cash transfer Scheme wasintended to utilise the thrift system to grant loans to market women to enable them improve their businesses and earn decent living.

He said the homegrown school feeding programme would not only provide adequate nutrition to school children, but would also boost agriculture, create jobs and wealth locally. Osinbajo assured the Nigerian community that the fight against corruption was a continuous one.

He said that the Buhari administration would not only prosecute those involved but also recover all the loot that had been traced.“We will go after Nigeria’s fund wherever it is found and we will recover it,’’ he said, saying “our country is bound for greatness.’’

The Vice President told the Nigerian community that President Buhari was a man to be trusted; a man of integrity. “I am proud of our leadership and this is a great opportunity for the country to be great,’’ he added.

In his remarks, Nigeria’s Ambassador to Burkina Faso, David Bala, described the one million Nigerians resident inthe country as `peaceful and law abiding.’ people. Michael Adeyanju, the leader of the Nigerian Community in Burkina Faso, thanked the federal government for attending the inauguration of the Burkinabe President.

He described the gesture as a sign of cordial relationship between both countries. He said Nigeria was the only country that donated 20 Hilux vans to assist the country’s electoral commission, adding that the gesture raised the pride of the Nigerian community.

NEMA Welcomes Two New Infants During The Holidays In Adamawa IDP Camps.

The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) welcomed newborn babies during the holidays in Adamawa IDP camps. The babies were born on December 27 and 30th.

PDP: PMB's Responses At The PMC Exposed His Undemocratic Character, Revealing Him As An Unrepentant Tyrant. 

Read the press statement from PDP below... 

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) says President Muhammadu Buhari’s responses at the Wednesday Presidential Media Chat were not only embarrassing but also further exposed his undemocratic character as an unrepentant tyrant who has no regard for the rule of law and the self-worth of Nigerian citizens. 

The party, in a statement by its National Publicity Secretary, Chief Olisa Metuh, on Thursday also said the President confirmed his partisanship in the much-vaunted war against corruption by openly absolving his ministers and party members of corrupt practices.

 “Whilst we restate our respect for the person and office of the President, we note that President Buhari bared his true colours to the world as an unrepentant tyrant. Today, the world is no longer in doubt as to who is behind the prevailing recklessness, abuse of rights of citizens and outright flouting of judicial pronouncements by security agencies.

“A situation where the President openly pronounced persons facing trial guilty and sanctioned their continued incarceration despite being granted bail by the courts, presents a dangerous fascist practice obtainable only in totalitarian societies like Mussolini’s Italy, Hitler’s Germany, Idi Amin’s Uganda and General Than Shwe’s Burma.

“This extremely shocking dictatorial tendency being brazenly exhibited by the President in total disdain for our laws and judicial institutions portends great danger for our democracy and constitutionally-guaranteed rights of the people, and should be resisted by the citizens before it festers. 

"The scorn for the principle of separation of powers, especially the independence of the legislature, is further manifested in the declared craving to regulate the funding and running of the National Assembly, a matter constitutionally vested outside the jurisdiction of the executive.  We are most uncomfortable about his attempt at trying to whip up public sentiments against an independent arm of government, especially the one vested with the constitutional power of appropriation.

“Following from the foregoing, therefore, it may be necessary to suspend the application of our Constitution and allow the President to operate as maximum ruler for four years after which the nation can return to a democracy.

 “On the issue of the Chibok girls, President Buhari’s embarrassing declaration of seeking information on the whereabouts and state of the girls betrays an obvious insincerity which is in total conflict with his campaign promises in that regard.  Thus by this declaration, our dear President has accepted failure on this issue and should therefore apologise to Nigerians for all the insults, abuse and aspersions cast on the past administration by himself and the leadership of his political party.

 “On the issue of devaluation of the naira, there is an obvious conflict between the budget speech wherein the president stated that the government is assessing the foreign exchange rate with a view to attracting foreign investments and his categorical pronouncement during the media chat that the naira would not be devalued.  We invite Nigerians to note that the president obviously does not understand the currency that applies in the devaluation of the naira (laugh out loud).

“Furthermore, Nigerians were shocked by the President's labeling Nigerians as ‘very difficult lot’ while responding to questions on the strategy to be adopted in implementing his promised N5,000 social welfare package.

“This unhealthy portrayal of the citizens by the very father of the nation, who has remained unrelenting in de-marketing his country through unguarded statements, is indeed a great disservice to Nigeria and its international image. Consequently, we reject this negative labeling of our citizens and reiterate our confidence in them, especially the millions who remain honest, hardworking and credible.

“Finally, Nigerians must take copious note of the fact that the President gave no inspiring answers to questions pertaining to his campaign promises, the fight against insurgency and rescue of the Chibok girls, the poor state of the naira, sudden plunging of the economy under his watch, and the gradual loss of democratic rights and freedom.”


Chief Olisa Metuh

National Publicity Secretary

Gov. Fayose: Return To Power Of Buhari Is A Misadventure For Nigerians.

Ekiti State Governor, Mr Ayodele Fayose has described the return to power of President Mohammadu Buhari as a misadventure for Nigerians, calling on the international community, especially organisations like the United Nations (UN) and European Union (EU) to focus their attention on human rights abuses and contempt for the rule of law in Nigeria in 2016.”

Governor Fayose, who said he was not disappointed by the President’s response during his media chat, to question on the disobedient of court orders by the Department of State Security (DSS), added that he had said it several times that once a dictator will always be a dictator and that those who helped him to power will end up in his gaol of dictatorship.

In a statement signed by his Special Assistant on Public Communications and New Media, Lere Olayinka, the governor said he was aware of plot to muzzle him and others considered as non-conformists because of their opinion and critical stance on the President and his government, adding that; “such plot will definitely be counterproductive.”

He described the way and manner the former National Security Adviser, Col. Sambo Dasuki (rtd) was being treated by the federal government as the hallmark of a dictator. “I said it earlier that Buhari is a dictator and I warned several times that those that were promoting this lion will end up in its belly.

“Having heard from the President himself declaring Col Sambo Dasuki and Nnamdi Kanu guilty even before trial, Nigerians should be prepared for a return of the 1984 experience in which Buhari’s Military tribunal sentenced people to jail terms ranging from 21 to 300 years, such that the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) had to boycott the tribunal. Even when former Ondo state Governor, late Chief Michael Ajasin was twice cleared of any wrongdoing by Buhari’s military tribunals; he was made to remain in prison.

“Those who witnesses Buhari’s regime in 1984-1985 will still remember how the National Security Organisation (NSO) – now DSS broke up a press conference of the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU); detaining four of its officers, banned the National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS), the Nigerian Medical Association (NMA) and other associations and arrested their leaders. Even those who were not arrested were watched and warned by the NSO.

“As it was in 1984 when an accused was presumed as guilty and must have to prove his innocence, Nigerians are now being told by Buhari, a democratically elected President that those he accused of corruption are already guilty and they do not have rights to enjoy bail granted them by the courts even after meeting all the bail conditions.

“That is enough a signal on what is to come in 2016 and the international community and lovers of democracy in Nigeria must be watchful of the level of human rights abuses that will be perpetrated by President Buhari. “However, I want to assure Buhari that democratic time will surely catch up with him because no dictator has ever succeeded in muzzling the rule of law, which is the basic ingredient of democracy,” the governor said.

While calling on Nigerians to brace up for more hardships to be occasioned by the federal government’s strange economic policies, Governor Fayose said; “With the President referring to Deutschmark and French Franc as still being in use in Germany and France, it is obvious that 1984 economic solutions will still be applied to Nigeria’s economic problems in 2016.”

'No Yawa Competition': Win N300k.

Win three hundred thousand naira 
1 follow kamali _ojukwu_ on IG 
2_upload a video of yourself singing the "no yawa" chorus .
3_the person with the most likes per week gets any recharge card of his or her choice network .
4 The person with the most likes on his video at the said date "Jan 30th " wins the cash sum of 300 thousand naira. Courtesy of K.O.J entertainment in partnership with j.o ojukwu and sons .

Borno State Gov't To Restrict Vehicular Movement From 31st, Dec To 2nd, Jan 2016.

In a bid to stop any possible attack by Boko Haram members during the New Year celebration, the Borno state government has announced the restriction of vehicular movement as from 5.00pm Thursday 31st December 2015, to 6.00am on Saturday 2nd January 2016.

Borno State Commissioner of Information, Mohammed Bulama, made this known to newsmen today December 31st

"The measure becomes necessary in order to further safeguard lives and property of law abiding citizens in the state. While wishing you a hitch free new year, members of the public are please requested to be more vigilant and security conscious throughout the period and report any suspicious person or movement to the nearest security agency. We wish to assure the good people of Borno state and indeed all law abiding citizens that every step is being taken by government and military authorities to root out terrorists causing mayhem in the society," Bulama had told KSM News.

Gov. Fayose: Lai Mohammed Must Explain The Attacks On Adamawa, Borno States By The Boko Haram.

Read the press statement below...

Ekiti State Governor, Mr Ayodele Fayose has described the Sunday and Monday’s Boko Haram attacks in Borno and Adamawa States as disheartening and an indictment on the All Progressives Congress (APC) federal government, saying that the Minister of Information and Culture, Lai Mohammed must explain to Nigerians how the same Boko Haram that he said had been “technically defeated” could carry out such daring and deadly attacks.

The governor, who commiserated with the government and people of Borno and Adamawa States, especially those who lost their loved ones in the attacks, said; “in other countries of the world, the government would have taken responsibility for deceiving and misleading the people and apologised.”

In a release issued by his Special Assistant on Public Communications and New Media, Lere Olayinka, Governor Fayose asked; “If Boko Haram had indeed been technically defeated as Lai Mohammed made Nigerians to believe, what do we call the Sunday and Monday attacks in Maiduguri, Borno State capital and Madagali, Adamawa State? “Should we say that the ‘technically’ defeated Boko Haram insurgents attacked Borno and Adamawa States, killing close to 100 Nigerians and injuring several others?

“Only Lai Mohammed who told Nigerians that Boko Haram had been technically defeated can tell us what happened and he must have to explain how ‘technically defeated’ insurgents could carry out such deadly attacks.”

Governor Fayose, who urged the APC-led federal government to stop deceiving Nigerians, especially on the Boko Haram insurgency and its anti-corruption fight said; “This governance by deceit must stop. Nigerians deserve to know the truth concerning how they are being governed.”

He challenged the federal government to tell Nigerians how much had been spent on security matters since June, this year, saying; “As it is today, they are just using the anti-corruption fight to shift the attention of Nigerians from their failure to fulfil the promises they made while seeking votes.

They are deceiving Nigerians while diverting Security Vote under the pretence of fighting Boko Haram insurgency. “It has therefore become pertinent that they are told expressly to stop behaving as if they are still the opposition. They should realise that election is over and it is already seven months that they assumed office.”

Genocide Crimes: Rwandan Pastor Sentenced To Life Imprisonment.

A Rwandan pastor accused of leading and coordinating attacks on minority Tutsis during Rwanda's 1994 genocide has been jailed for life, Rwanda's high court said on Wednesday, December 30.

An estimated 800,000 ethnic Tutsis and moderate Hutus were killed by dominant Hutu forces in the genocide in 100 days.

Jean Uwinkindi,64, who once led the Kayenzi Pentecostal church in the rural outskirts of the capital Kigali, was convicted of crimes of genocide and crimes against humanity committed during the slaughter.

"The court finds that there were killings of the Tutsi at Rwankeri and Kanzenze hills and that the attacks were led by Uwinkindi," said Judge Kanyegeri Timothee.

Uwinkindi was arrested in Uganda in 2010 and the following year his case was referred from the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, in Tanzania, to the Rwandan national court system. It was the first such referral. The pastor said he plans to appeal.

Source: Reuters

Police Arrests 62-Year Old Man For Defiling A 12-Year Old Girl In Ogun State.

A 60-year-old man identified as Adewale Enoch has been arrested by the police for allegedly defiling a 12-year-old girl. A statement made by the State Police Public Relations Officer, PPRO, Deputy Superintendent of Police, DSP Olumuyiwa Adejobi to journalists on Monday, disclosed that the incident occurred on Saturday, at Moborode area, Abigi, Ogun Waterside Local Government Area of Ogun State. 

"The police operatives attached to Abigi Division of the Ogun State police command have arrested one Adewale Enoch,60, for having unlawful carnal knowledge of a girl,12, on 26th December at 150hrs," he said

According to the statement, the suspect was arrested after the father of the victim reported to the police.

"The Commissioner of Police, Ogun State CP Abdulmajid Ali has directed that the case be transferred to the Department of Criminal Investigation and Intelligence, Eleweran, Abeokuta for further investigation and prosecution for the command has credible evidence to arraign the suspect," DSP Adejobi said.

"The police boss also appealed to parents and guardians to monitor their children or wards, as all hands must be on deck to eradicate this criminal, barbaric and inhuman act in our society," he added.

The Commissioner of Police on his part promised to continue the fight against child abuse, gender violence and other social vices that can expose children to dangers.

NDLEA Nabbs A 40-Year Old Man Over Cocaine Trafficking.

Agents of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) on Dec. 26, arrested a 40-year-old man, Ikeh Maxwell Obumneme at the Murtala Mohammed International Airport (MMIA) Lagos, for drug trafficking.

The NDLEA Commander attached to the airport Mr. Hamisu Lawan, who confirmed the arrest revealed that Obumneme was nabbed with substances that tested positive for cocaine inserted in his anus.

According to Lawan, the suspect was arrested on his way from Brazil with the drugs packed in six wraps weighing 120 grammes inserted in his anus. While reiterating the agency's vision to eradicate illicit traficking in narcotics drugs, the Commander said the case is currently under investigation.

Police Arrests 62-Year Old Man For Defiling A 12-Year Old Girl In Ogun State.

A 60-year-old man identified as Adewale Enoch has been arrested by the police for allegedly defiling a 12-year-old girl. A statement made by the State Police Public Relations Officer, PPRO, Deputy Superintendent of Police, DSP Olumuyiwa Adejobi to journalists on Monday, disclosed that the incident occurred on Saturday, at Moborode area, Abigi, Ogun Waterside Local Government Area of Ogun State. 

"The police operatives attached to Abigi Division of the Ogun State police command have arrested one Adewale Enoch,60, for having unlawful carnal knowledge of a girl,12, on 26th December at 150hrs," he said

According to the statement, the suspect was arrested after the father of the victim reported to the police.

"The Commissioner of Police, Ogun State CP Abdulmajid Ali has directed that the case be transferred to the Department of Criminal Investigation and Intelligence, Eleweran, Abeokuta for further investigation and prosecution for the command has credible evidence to arraign the suspect," DSP Adejobi said.

"The police boss also appealed to parents and guardians to monitor their children or wards, as all hands must be on deck to eradicate this criminal, barbaric and inhuman act in our society," he added.

The Commissioner of Police on his part promised to continue the fight against child abuse, gender violence and other social vices that can expose children to dangers.

South African King, Buyelekhaya Sentenced To 12-Years In Prison For Inhuman Behaviour Towards Subjects.

South African king Buyelekhaya Dalindyebo has been sentenced to 12-years in prison for arson, kidnap and assault of his subjects. King Dalindyebo handed himself over to the Mthatha Correctional Center in Eastern Cape province minutes before midnight on Wednesday, December 30, after failing in an 11th-hour bid to evade incarceration by seeking a retrial or a presidential pardon.

In a statement, Justice spokesperson Mthunzi Mhaga said:

"We confirm that King Buyelekhaya Dalindyebo handed himself to the head of Mthatha Corresctional Centre at 23h40 in the presence of the Regional Commissionerof the Eastern Cape"

In 2009, the controversial king was convicted of manslaughter, arson and assault charges for offenses committed more than two decades ago. He was sentenced to 15 years in 2009, but in October the Supreme Court dropped the manslaughter charge and reduced his sentence to 12 years on appeal.

This week he sought to further extend his bail, but a High Court judge in Mthatha threw out the request. The king's daughter, Yasmin Omar, stated that the judge had not given them reasons for his decision.

"No indication was given for when we can expect the reasons for the dismissal of the application and we will continue with the case," said Omar.

He is expected to serve his sentence in Wellington Prison, outside Mthatha.

The 51-year-old king, a self-confessed marijuana smoker, was found guilty of torching dwellings that housed some of his subjects and tenants who had resisted eviction.

He was also convicted of publicly assaulting three young men who had already been brutally beaten by his henchmen, and of kidnapping a wife and children of one of his subjects whom he considered a dissident.

The Supreme Court concluded that the king "ruled with fear and trepidation" and that "his behavior was all the more deplorable because the victims of his reign of terror were the vulnerable rural poor." It also accused him of "obstructive" action for changing his lawyers 11 times, causing 34 postponements of the case.

Dalindyebo became king of the Thembu, a Xhosa ethnic group that boasted Mandela as its most prominent clan member, in 1989. The royal family will meet next week to discuss whether a successor should be chosen due to their monarch's imprisonment.