Thursday 10 December 2015

Shocking: Catholic Priest Sexually Assaults A Girl In Her Hotel Room.


A Catholic priest named Fr. Bernard Boteju calculatively entered the hotel room of a woman named Susan Tomte and attempted to rape her. He forcefully grabbed ahold of her and began kissing her. Susan turned away, and he latched onto her again and began kissing her in the lips. Susan’s elderly friend walked into the room and the pervert backed off. If it wasn’t for her friend walking in, this reprobate would have continued his sexual assault and molestation and would have raped her.

Fr. Bernard Boteju was leading a trip to Philadelphia to see Pope Francis in his visit to the US. This was even reported by the local Tyler news which stated: “The Rev. Bernard Boteju, a Diocese of Tyler priest in Longview, is leading the trip.” Fr. Bernard Boteju is obviously known in his community and now he will be exposed for the predator that he is. He offered Susan Tomte and her friend free tickets to accompany him and they accepted the offer.

The way by which Bernard got to Susan was very calculative. He first approached her friend and said that he wanted to bring some snacks to Susan and requested to have her hotel door key card; the friend, not thinking that a priest would be a predator, gave him the card. He left, and then returned and gave her the card, only this time it was a different card which he pretended to be the same one.


While still holding the real card, Fr. Bernard Boteju went to Susan’s hotel room, opened the door, entered and commenced sexually assaulting Susan. Her elderly roommate, coming to the hotel room entrance a little while later, tried to enter with the card, but it didn’t work because it was a different card that the predator, Fr. Bernard Boteju, wantonly gave her. Realizing that something was wrong, she rushed to the lobby and told the people at the front desk that she had the wrong card. They gave her a correct card and she went back and opened the door. She walked in and saw Fr. Bernard Boteju forcing himself upon Susan. Fr. Bernard Boteju backed off and made his escape.

Susan came to us and told us the story and we decided that we would confront this pervert. We connected Fr. Bernard Boteju with Susan and had her confront him, and I broke the news to this debased heretic that he had been busted, filmed, recorded and caught for the whole world to see. 

Fr Bernard Boteju (standing) and Fr Bruce Lincon in Monte Carlo, Monaco


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