Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Latest Free Browsing On Mtn With N0.0k

Hello guys I just deviced a new means with which  You can now enjoy unlimited free browsing with your MTN Sim, no magic IP required and no subscription involved. All you need is your Android smartphone, an MTN Sim with N0.0kobo and Sypon Shield VPN.

You might have heard about this tweak before, I'm sorry for the delayed post, but as you know, I must confirm any tweak before it goes live here.

The speed is amazing, you won't believe until you give it a trial. Are you guys ready? Let's ride.
You can use your installed Psiphon Handler NetifyVpn, or download Sypon Shield v3.1.3 for stable connection here
Install it on your Android Device

Use your MTN default Setting or create New APN settings on your phone as follows:
» Open your phone settings > Go to more > Go to mobile network > Go to access point names > Select MTN, Then create new APN and configure as shown below:
» APN:
» Proxy:
» Port: 8080
» Save And Activate it as your default settings 

Then Launch Sypon Shield or Psiphon Handler, in the handler menu:
» Proxy type: Real Host
» Proxy server: or or
» Real Proxy Type:Default
» Real Proxy server: (leave it blank)

» Select save and click on “tunnel whole device”.
Click on the option tab
» Region: select, USA or any other server
» Select more option, as it was indicated in the screenshot below

» Check Connect through an HTTP Pro” then select “Use the following settings:” then configure as.
» Host address:
» Port:8080

Save and Click Connect. 

Stay Glued for other VPN setting on this tweak.

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