Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Latest Unlimited Surfing On Etisalat With The Latest Magic IPs

Latest Etisalat unlimited surfing with N0.0k

For those that complain about the recent released Proxies, note that the fault was not from our gurus. I'm sure that they tested those IP's before posted. The main issue now, is that those Proxies are working in limited areas. The IP that working in Abuja may not work in Lagos. Magic IP's are currently down at this moment.

If you try any of posted Proxies and is not work for you, note that the magic IP's are working in limited location at this time, please don't blame those guys, they are trying their best for us.

Since magic IP's are not smiling to us at this time, let us go back to Etisalat Social Me and Chat Pak Tweak, I can see that many fans are now requesting for its setting, the below instructions will guide you through on how to surf with it via Psiphon Handler on Android Device and SimpleServer for PC users.

Hope you guys still remember that we have two different plans for this tweak. Etisalat social me and chat pak, both of them are still blazing well, as long as you have working proxy.
Etisalat chat pak is the cheapest plan, but it has average speed, recommended only for browsing and chatting. While Etisalat social me is not cheap, but the speed is high compared to chat pak and it's recommended for downloading and streaming.

Etisalat chat pak/Social me Subscription Codes

For Etisalat Social Me
» Dial *200*3*4*2*1*1# valid for 24hrs and it cost N100
» Dial *200*3*4*2*2*1# valid for 7days and it cost N300 

For Etisalt Chat Pak
» Dial *343*6*10# or *343*5*6# valid for 7days and it cost N150
» Dial *343*6*11# valid for 1month and it cost N500 

Etisalat Chat Pak/ Social Me Configuration Setting Via Sypon Shield

Since we all are already familiar with Magic IP, the settings are almost the same, the only difference here is to switch from Reverse Host to Real Host.

You can use your installed Psiphon Handler NetifyVpn, or download Sypon Shield v3.1.3 for stable connection here
Install it on your Android Device

Create New APN settings On Your Phone As Follows:
» Open your phone settings > Go to more > Go to mobile network > Go to access point names > Select Etisalat, Then create new APN and configure as shown below:
» APN: etisalat
» Proxy:
» Port: 8080
» APN: etisalat
» Proxy:
» Port: 8080
» Save And Activate it as your default settings 

Then Launch Sypon Shield or Psiphon Handler, in the handler menu:
» Proxy type: Real Host
» Proxy server: or
» Real Proxy type: HTTP
» Real Proxy server: (leave it blank)

» Select save and click on “tunnel whole device”.
Click on the option tab
» Region: select, USA or any other server
» Select more option, as it was indicated in the screenshot below

» Check Connect through an HTTP Pro” then select “Use the following settings:” then configure as.
» Host address:
» Port:808

Save and Click Connect. 

Below are the other fastest working Proxies for Etisalat chat pak/social me

For PC users, check out this link for the
Note that, you need to update the SimpleServer Injection Querry/URL, Proxy Host and Proxy Port with any working one stated above.  

Stay Glued for the updates about active proxies

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